Monday, November 29, 2021

Female X. Gedion

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

He passed away

This is actually a late upload. The last time that I posted about my Tarantula. I felt like everything's a waste. The effort, time and moments that was spent together. After all that has been done, I'm so divestated for his lost. You'll be missed.

Try to flip it and see
if there's a sign of life.

While holding it with his crippled legs

The last position that he did.
He manage to get some few steps.

A closer look on
his final stage as a Male

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tarantula Bad Molt

Last Night (November 17, 2021) after I got home, I saw my Fireleg Tarantula molting and it's in upsidedown position. I got so exited on his molting and plan to video record it. But then I got tired and just left it not knowing what happen during his molting stage.

And this morning I woke up exited and what I witness is just so horrific. He got a bad molt. His legs got stuck and some got twisted. I tried to help him out and sadly he lost one part of his hind while I gently removing some exoskeleton. I just don't know what to do, I search on the enternet and it seems no information or helpful ideas that could give me a good tips or advice. Most of the experience ended up death of tarantula. I feel so discouraged and no chance of surviving my Fireleg that was with me for 3 years. It was his final form, he got his tibial hooks and emboli for mating and yet it end up bad molting.

His position where I left him
after I remove some
stocked exoskeleton. 

I hope he survive or maybe for some other time I can still give him the best care that I could. I love this tarantula as part of me as a family.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Philippines Beetle: Salagubang

Here's another Philippines Beetle commonly called Salagubang (Leucopholis Irrorata) or Chafer Beetle.

Most of this beetle are considered Exotic Food, but I never tried one. They are sometimes called May or June beetle, since most of them will spring out either of those months and will soon faded after a few weeks or sometimes a month.

This beetle feeds on Mango tree most of the time and their larva are commonly underground either in rice fields or some other Crops for their food. Some calls them Pest but I don't think if it really that worse, unlike Long-horned Beetle who feed inside in the branches of Mango Tree.

They have a short lifespan and I don't know for sure as to how long, You may do some research about it. I keep some of them for sometime feeding and giving their own refuge and yet they just fade away for some couple of days or maybe week. I just can't tell why unlike the Xylotrupes Gideon which you can keep and mate it for as long as there is enough resources for their larva.

Salagubang is also common in Cebuano and we call it Bakukang as General Name for Beetle either Salagubang, Rhynocerous or whatever you saw for as long as it is beetle, but it Tagalog they have Salaginto and Salagubang as describe in the Song "Sitsiritsit Alibangbang".

That's all for now and Thank you for Viewing this Blog.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Some True Bug

You have heard someone call it Assassin Bug, and some others Kissing Bugs or maybe bedbugs. LOL! But actually this are True Bugs. Why was that, this insect used their sucking tube (proboscis) to earn a living. Some type of True Bugs were stinky and some has no odor. The Stink was actually a diversion or a common defense mechanisms for predictors to avoid being eaten. You may find it very friendly since they used tubes as their mouths unlike other insect like Bees or ants used a pincers or mandibles to slice their food. But careless handling of bug such as this could be very disappointing if you don't know which bug it is, this bug could liquefy their food in minutes using their saliva, like assassin bugs that could kill in just seconds and liquefy their victims internal organs and sucks it like juice. It's very painful than an ant sting.

Thank you for visiting this blog and have a nice day.

Beautiful Tiny Moth

I caught a tiny moth with a black spot and pink body. Can you name it? this one is so beautiful and tiny, I decide to let it go as nature goes. Video was taken around second week of August 2021 and was edited last August 20, 2021. I forgot to cover the who story on how I caught this tiny moth.

Thank you for Visiting this Blog and see you on my Next Post.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Brief Overview of Atlas Moth

Brief Overview of Atlas Moth
Thank for viewing and have a great day.
- Jerry N. Bustillo

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Orb Weaver Mating

Finally, I caught these two lovely couples making love. Anyway, as I prepare for a stake meeting, these orb weavers were also busy and working too hard for a living. Here is the video that I took -

I thought she's gonna eat the tiny one. šŸ˜ the female is 5 times larger than the male. He'll be killed in an instant if she's not in the mood. šŸ˜…

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Name this insect.

Can you guess this one?
Another insect that I found in the chapel after the sacrament program in Bulawen Branch. It was dead already on the floor, I think someone caught and killed it or maybe some other kinds of insect could have killed and left it. Anyway, I picked it up and see if it will be preserved in my collect.

What do you call this?

It looks like a fly but it has a long abdomen.

Shapes almost like a dwarf dragonfly,
But eexceptfor its wings.

It's not horsefly and it has needle suckers
like Assassin bug or similar.
Which means it is a Predator. 

Can you name it now?
Will the name is on this link below, check it for yourself.

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