Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tarantula Bad Molt

Last Night (November 17, 2021) after I got home, I saw my Fireleg Tarantula molting and it's in upsidedown position. I got so exited on his molting and plan to video record it. But then I got tired and just left it not knowing what happen during his molting stage.

And this morning I woke up exited and what I witness is just so horrific. He got a bad molt. His legs got stuck and some got twisted. I tried to help him out and sadly he lost one part of his hind while I gently removing some exoskeleton. I just don't know what to do, I search on the enternet and it seems no information or helpful ideas that could give me a good tips or advice. Most of the experience ended up death of tarantula. I feel so discouraged and no chance of surviving my Fireleg that was with me for 3 years. It was his final form, he got his tibial hooks and emboli for mating and yet it end up bad molting.

His position where I left him
after I remove some
stocked exoskeleton. 

I hope he survive or maybe for some other time I can still give him the best care that I could. I love this tarantula as part of me as a family.

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